Title: Health E+Motions – International Seminar on Mental Health in short and long-term international mobility projects
Training overview
Training infopack
Type: Seminar
Dates: 15-18 October 2024
Summary: Health E+motions brings together individuals who have participated in and facilitated, short and long-term mobilities under the Erasmus+ and ESC. The seminar serves as a tool for mapping mental health-related challenges that emerge during projects.
Deadline: 21 June 2024
Participants: 1. Belgium 2. Bulgaria 3. Czech Republic 4. Denmark 5. Germany 6. Estonia 7. Ireland 8. Greece 9. Spain 10. France 11. Croatia 12. Italy 13. Cyprus 14. Latvia 15. Lithuania 16. Luxembourg 17. Hungary 18. Malta 19. Netherlands 20. Austria 21. Poland 22. Portugal 23. Romania 24. Slovenia 25. Slovakia 26. Finland 27. Sweden 28. Iceland 29. Liechtenstein 30. Norway 31. Turkey